Category Archives: Metablogging

Happy Second Blogiversary to Me!

I’ve been somewhat slack in posting recently, partly because I’ve been incredibly busy, partly because I’ve been spending a lot of time at various doctors’ offices recently (I’ll blog more on that soon, I hope), and partly because of the tacit rule of blogging that the longer between posts the more significant you think your […]

Something Spammy Going On

Normally I get two or three instances of trackback spam per day here. So far just today I’ve gotten about 300. I’m not the only one; chatter on the WordPress support forum and Technorati seems to indicate there’s a huge wave of it across the blogosphere.

Happy Blogiversary to Me!

Today marks one year since I started this blog. A year ago I had just heard about the release two days earlier of WordPress 1.5, the WordPress version that really began to reach full stride. My friend Jen had been using WordPress for several months, and her blog was an inspiration to start my own. […]

WordPress Comments Preview Plugin

I complained earlier that I could find no server-side WordPress plugin to preview comments. I wanted something that didn’t depend on JavaScript and actually filtered the comment so that it would look in the preview as it actually would be published. So I decided to write my own. It does require editing a couple of […]

Blogging into Bankruptcy

I think I would like Paul Purdue. As executive of the startup company iFulfill, he decided to blog about family life and his company. But the blog really became popular only when the company started to unravel. At one point a frustrated Purdue asked his marketing consultant, a blogger named B.L. Ochman, president of, […]

Clogged with Blogs

So the BBC reports that a new blog is created every second, and the number of blogs has doubled since March to over 14 million. What’s more interesting to me is what’s not happening. Thirteen percent of all blogs that Technorati tracks are updated weekly or more, said the report, and 55% of all new […]