New WordPress Plugin: Google AdSense Targeting

Thanks to this article [Edited July 29, 2009: the old link is dead and now a spam site], I learned that Google AdSense—the ads many use on their blogs, including me—has a way to focus your AdSense ads on the most relevant content.

The problem is that blogs often discuss a variety of topics, and links to other entries, tag clouds, archives, etc., can all distract the Google AdSense spiders from knowing what on a given page is the most relevant content.

The Google section targeting tags control what Google considers when deciding what ad to show for a given page. The tags are straightforward, and you could easily add them by editing your template files, but I’d rather do it in a plugin. So I wrote this WordPress plugin that automatically puts inclusive tags around post content and comments and exclusive ones around some typical sidebar stuff, like category and page lists.

So, here’s the plugin:

Installation Instructions

Upload into your wp-admin/plugins directory, and activate.



  1. thanks,but i want to know that is there any difference between your adsense targeting plugin and’s Target Adsense?

  2. Looks like a different plugin to accomplish the same thing.

  3. thanks:)

  4. As I write on December 26, this latest post is dated November 14. This will not do. We must have content. Cyber-geek posts are OK, but we must have photos of wife and child. We must have reports on Boston weather and traffic, parents’ status, etc. We must have religious opinions.

  5. You might want to mention that, according to Google, the tags do not have immediate effect but only after the page is scanned the next time. Thus, for older pages, it may take a while for the results to be visible.

    The reference you give also shows how to do this on non-blogger pages, which is great for those of us who have a HTML website plus a blogger.

    Thank you!!

  6. thanks, helpful plugin…

  7. Hello,

    thanks for the article (and the other articles you wrote as well;-)). I always thought of running a blog but couldn´t get around. With your wordpress-advices it seems a lot easier.
    Best regards form Germany

  8. hi… i like ask, how can i filter the code from extract the ads based on comment… bcoz the comment is in other language and not in English.

  9. This does not work for me.. i keep getting Webhosting ads which is totally irrelevant to my content. I have a very large targetted content on Philippine celebrities.

    pls. help.thank you

  10. The plugin only helps to target sections of your web pages. To exclude certain ads you will need to log into your Adsense account.

  11. Your plugin doesn’t work. I get an error when trying to install it. Have you changed it for the new WP version?

  12. I’m using it here, and I’ve tested it on the latest version of WordPress.

    What is the error message?

  13. Thought you might like to know that the article link you have at the top is now a dead site – all that is there now is parked domain advertising and nothing at all relevant

  14. Kerry, thanks for pointing that out. I’ve removed the link.

  15. Plugin seems to break the mouseover for the categories in the new WP version. Go to my site in the URL above and do a mouseover the categories feature under the main navigation. The Google section targeting tags appears there. Is there a fix for this?

  16. This looks like a useful plugin just getting the adsense section of our site sorted out and will use this plugin as well. Thanks for this

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