Category Archives: Science

Prescient National Geographic

In October 2004, the National Geographic Magazine described what would happen were a decent-sized hurricane to strike New Orleans: disaster, not surprisingly. More interesting to me is the National Geographic‘s explanation of why that disaster was becoming increasingly likely: Yet just as the risks of a killer storm are rising, the city’s natural defenses are […]

Mars Pic

Check out this image taken from the Spirit Mars Rover. Having landed in January 2004, Spirit’s still trucking along, and it’s just beamed back this picture from atop “Husband Hill.” Both rovers have lasted about 17 months beyond their original mission. And Spirit is in especially fine form, operating at a power level of 950 […]

Daniel Dennett and the God of the Gaps

In an editorial from Sunday’s New York Times, Daniel Dennett takes aim at “Intelligent Design.” He does make a few cheap shots at the notion, such as this: Since there is no content, there is no “controversy” to teach about in biology class. But here is a good topic for a high school course on […]