Category Archives: Boston

Marathon Monday

After the Fourth of July, Marathon Monday is the most festive day in Boston. People turn out all along the marathon route to cheer on over 22,000 runners, to grill in their front lawns, and to celebrate the Red Sox’s hometown win. The top three women pass near my home; from left to right they […]

Boston’s Quiet Revival?

Writing in Christianity Today, Rob Moll believes there’s a revival afoot here in Boston. In fact, evangelical Christianity is thriving in Boston. During the past 30 years, church growth, fueled by evangelical university groups and immigrant communities, has dramatically outpaced population growth. At the same time, mainline denominations have dwindled and the abuse scandal in […]

What’s Wrong with This Picture?

I should mention that both streets at this intersection are one-way.

Boston: The Real Windy City

Say “Windy City,” and most people think of Chicago, but among the large U.S. cities, Boston has the highest average wind speed. Today’s unseasonably warm weather–in the lower 60s Fahrenheit–brought strong gusts of wind, blowing down this tree less than a block from here. You might be able to see that it took a power […]

Boston Weather Changes

Wednesday it was so warm I went running in shorts and a t-shirt; today it’s twelve degrees Fahrenheit, and the gusts of wind push the cold through even our tightly-sealed windows. I’ve noticed that when it’s cold like this the snowflakes are stringy (instead of forming the idealized hexagons you normally think of). Confirming my […]

Winter Sunset

Here’s the view from my window five minutes ago. Today I went running for the first time since it’s snowed, and I was reminded of two things: running through snow is hard work, and Boston drivers don’t care if the sidewalks haven’t been shoveled–they’ll happily run you over.