Wow, that’s a lot of acronyms! Here’s my current version of the plugin:


To see what it’s about, please see this WordPress trac ticket..

I’ll add it to the WP plugins repository as soon as I make sure it works with 3.1 and has a sample use case I can release.

A typical call:

// in JS (check that wpJSON is defined somewhere prior)
   {parameterName:'parameter value'}, 
   function ( result ) { 
          // handle the successful result object here
   function( code, error, data ) { 
      // handle the error object here

On the server side of your plugin, you can do something like this:

class My_Plugin_Control_Class {
   public function __construct()
          add_filter('json_server_classname', array(&$this, 'filter_json_server_classname'), 10, 2);

   public function filter_json_server_classname( $server_class = '', $method = '' )
      switch( $method ) :
         case 'myplugindomain.someRPCMethodNameHere' : 
         case 'myplugindomain.someOtherRPCMethodNameHere' :
            $server_class = 'My_Plugin_JSON_RPC_Server';
      return $server_class;

// instantiate your control class somewhere

// extend the JSON class

class My_Plugin_JSON_RPC_Server extends WP_JSON_RPC_Server {
   public function __construct()
      $this->methods['myplugindomain.someRPCMethodNameHere'] = 'this:someRPCMethodNameHere';
      $this->methods['myplugindomain.someOtherRPCMethodNameHere'] = 'this:someOtherRPCMethodNameHere';

   public function someRPCMethodNameHere( $args )
      if ( isset( $args->{'parameterName'} ) ) {
         // let's do something with this data!

         return array(
            'response-param-name' => __('We did something!', 'my-fancy-plugin'),
      } else {
         return new WP_Error(
            __('Invalid method parameters:  myplugindomain.someRPCMethodNameHere must receive a value in the parameterName parameter.', 'my-fancy-plugin')



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